For a New Dimension of Health Care
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European Ayurveda Medical Association

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EURAMA represents a European joint venture to unite all existing Ayurvedic Doctors Associations fostering the application of Ayurveda at a high quality standard. 


EURAMA is a steadily growing network for the exchange of information and experience of ayurvedic experts in Europe.


EURAMA's aim is to promote and spread Ayurveda in Europe.


One of the main goals of EURAMA is to promote the integration of Ayurveda into the European health system. Therefore EURAMA is member of various international organisations and standards committees such as


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Membership of EURAMA

  • How to become a Member
  • Membership Fee
  • Application Form

Stuttgart Integrative Health & Medicine Declaration

Originally endorsed by the participants of the International Congress for Integrative Health & Medicine, June 9-11, 2016 in Stuttgart, Germany.

Stuttgart Declaration

Please sign this important Declaration here and help to spread the word!

Sign Stuttgart Declaration


  • Ayurveda Conferences and Events 2016 
  • Research Databases


  • EURAMA has been inaugurated 
on Dhanvantari Day, 26. October 2008 in Vienna.
The inaugural function included lectures by internationally reputed scientists...
  • In Memoriam 

On New Year's Day 2013 Raj Vaidya Dr. Brihaspati Dev Triguna started his last journey at the age of 92. We honour his great contribution to Ayurveda and humanity.


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EURAMA attempts to bring a new dimension of health care to the medical profession by integrating the traditional ayurvedic art of healing and modern science.

EURAMA seeks to establish Ayurveda within Europe as a holistic system of medicine, including all of its diagnostic and therapeutic methods and the utilisation of its pharmacopoeia and to make it more easily accessible to the general public. 

As an independent non-governmental Association we rely on donations to realize our goals.

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Second International
Ayurveda Congress

The Second International Ayurveda Congress will take place in London from April 1st to 2nd, 2017.

Internationally renowned scholars will be keynote speakers at the congress and will present scientifically verified solutions to showcase the effectiveness of Ayurveda towards fulfilling the human pursuit of health, happiness and long life.


  • Mission Statement
  • Goals
  • Activities 

Supporters of EURAMA

We thank all our supporters - in particular


About Us

    Dr. med. Wolfgang Schachinger, Austria
    Vice President
    Dr. med. Charlotte Bech, Denmark
    Dr. med. Ernst Schrott, Germany
    2. Secretary:
    Dr. med. Hans Schäffler, Austria
    Dr. med. Stephania Lorenz, Germany
    Lothar Pirc, Germany
  • EURAMA Office
    Association management:
    Mag. Barbara Kopf, Austria
    Member support:
    Hildegard Kathan, Austria


  • Founding Committee


© 2008 EURAMA | European Ayurveda Medical Association, all rights reserved.